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Internship announcement from UMBC Special Collections

For Grad Students in Public History, Art Conservation & more

Graduate Students,

The UMBC Special Collections department is seeking a graduate student intern for Spring 2022 to assist with the NEH Preservation Assistance grant funded project “Rehousing the Lewis Hine Collection at UMBC Special Collections.” The student intern will be trained to complete physical handling and rehousing of gelatin silver photographic prints from the Lewis Hine Collection, copy stand photography of print versos, metadata entry, and promotion of the project on social media and through blog posts. We are seeking a graduate student enrolled in an MLIS program or master’s program in a relevant field (eg: Public History, Art History, Art Conservation, Museum Studies) with a particular interest in preservation and/ or photography. Prior experience handling photographs or working in a Library Special Collections or a Museum is preferred. The internship will be 120 hours (about 7 hours per week) carried out in person at UMBC Special Collections between February and June 2022, and comes with a stipend of $2,000. Please submit a cover letter, resume, and two references to Dr. Beth Saunders and Susan Graham at speccoll@umbc.edu

Posted: January 27, 2022, 3:09 PM