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GA Collective Bargaining Bill Special Town Hall

Learn and express your opinions today, 3PM

Dear Graduate Assistants,
A collective bargaining bill is introduced in the Maryland General Assembly, every year. This year's Senate Bill 521 can be found here. If passed, would give GAs the right to Collectively Bargain.

GAAC at UMBC is hosting a special Town Hall Today! December 6 from 3- 4 pm EST, to review our Meet & Confer process and inform you of the specifics of this year's Collective Bargaining bill.

Please join the session using the Webex Link : 

We hope to hear your concerns and opinions about this bill. We will make sure to address every concern during our Town Hall.

Thank you,
Ruchita Reddy Gudipati 
(GAAC Chair)

Posted: December 6, 2021, 9:22 AM