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GSO Registration Survey Form

Assist GSA in understanding how GSOs plan on using funding

Hi all,

The GSA is attempting to gather preferences of GSOs in regards to their requesting of funds. In determining a more equitable distribution of funds, the GSA is considering reforms to how funds are granted to GSOs. Please complete one form per organization. Submitting the below information will assist the GSA in understanding how GSOs plan on using funding and will overall benefit GSO fund allocation. We would also like to see what funding GSOs are planning to use for the rest of the semester and Spring 2022. The budget you submit is not formal, nor is it required, but it would be helpful for the GSA to see what type of events/amount of funds organizations are anticipating using.


The attached google form to submit is linked here. Also attached here is a budget template sheet for your organization to fill out. Please make a copy of this template and then upload it to the google form before submitting it.


Please submit this form by Monday, October 25th at 5 pm  


Please forward any questions, comments, or concerns to the GSA at gsa@umbc.edu.

Posted: October 18, 2021, 2:54 PM