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Apply to Fill 2 Rare SGA Vacancies

Two elected positions in SGA have become available: one each in the Senate and Finance Board.  In addition, the Finance Board is looking for a Secretary to take minutes at its meetings.  All three positions, with terms running through May 15, 2012, will be filled through an application and interview process (apply here).  The application is due Friday, January 20th at 5:00 p.m.  The students selected will have a chance to gain valuable experience before applications to run for positions in the 2012-2013 SGA are due in March.

The Senate is SGA’s engine for collecting ideas from students and turning them into campus change initiatives.  Members meet weekly (Mondays at 5:30 p.m.) to discuss and develop initiatives, talk with campus administrators and take positions on issues.  But most of the Senate’s work takes place between the weekly meetings.  Members spend time talking with students, representing all undergraduates on university committees, meeting in project working groups and doing the follow-up needed to get initiatives off the ground. 

The Finance Board is the branch of SGA that provides funds to support student organization activities: nearly $200,000 this year.  Most of the Finance Board’s work is done at weekly meetings, where student organization leaders present requests and Finance Board members ask questions and make decisions.  These meetings, which take place Tuesdays starting at 5:30 p.m., can be both long and intense.  Finance Board members have to wrestle with complex issues: applying university policies, striking a balance between supporting amazing events and stretching funds across the entire year, thinking about the precedent-setting impact of their decisions.  But they have a lot of fun too, partly because it’s so interactive and engaging.

If you have any questions about the Senate vacancy, contact Hamza Siddiqui at siddham1@umbc.edu. If you have questions about the Finance Board vacancies, contact Michelle Kuah at mkuah1@umbc.edu.


Posted: January 17, 2012, 1:14 PM