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Fall 2021 AOK Library Workshop Lineup

Mark your calendars now!

Visit the AOK Library Workshop page to register and join! 

Wednesday September 8
4-5 PM
Research 101

Are you confused between Google Searching and database searching? This workshop is designed to give you an overview of how to begin the searching process, with an introduction to the AOK Library’s searching tools. Attendees will also learn about how the Writing Center can help in the writing process. Feel free to bring questions and an appetite to learn

Monday September 20
12-1 PM
How to Write a STEM Literature Review

Is writing the literature review a stumbling block? This workshop will help you to learn how to begin and advance your literature review, and how to connect your ideas to the literature in the field.

Monday September 27
12-1 PM
How to Use Zotero for Citation Management

Have you ever wondered if there is a better way to organize your citations? Have you used citation software in the past but have some lingering questions? This workshop provides an overview of setting up a free Zotero account, adding sources to your Zotero library, and generating a bibliography. This will be a practical, hands-on workshop.

Wednesday October 6
12-1 PM
How to Write a Social Science/Humanities
Literature Review

What are some of the best strategies and tips for writing a literature review? Whether you are just starting out with your research or have been involved in your project for a while, this workshop is for you.

Wednesday October 6
4-5 PM
Stepping up your Research Game:
Searching Strategically

Have you ever wondered how to maximize your research time? Have you wished that you could magically wake up to a perfect Works Cited page? This workshop is designed to save you research time and make it easier for you to find sources for your papers and projects. Feel free to bring in a research assignment that you are working on- this workshop features practical research strategies that you can use right away!

Tuesday October 12
12-1 PM
Creating an Academic Research Poster
Using PowerPoint

An academic research poster is a visual communication tool that allows you to present your research in a clear, concise, graphic format. Learn how to create a poster that stands out. In this workshop, learn the design principles and guidelines that will help you create an effective and aesthetically pleasing poster using PowerPoint. We’ll discuss layout, fonts, colors, graphics and more.

Monday October 18
12-1 PM
EndNote Online

Learn how to utilize the full range of features included in the web-accessible citation manager. This hands-on workshop will focus on setting up an account, importing and transferring references, sharing references, and accessing your references in Microsoft Word.

Wednesday November 3
4-5 PM
How to Cite Sources for your Research & Writing

Do you have questions about how to cite and incorporate sources in your writing assignments? Avoid accidental plagiarism by learning how to properly cite your sources and show your skill as an academic writer & researcher.

Monday November 8
12-1 PM
How to get started with Open Educational Resources

With the rising cost of textbooks, the use of open educational resources (OER) can significantly increase student learning and success. This workshop will introduce UMBC faculty to OER repositories of peer-reviewed course materials and simple strategies for incorporating them into your classes. Whether you have explored the open access movement before or are just starting out, this interactive workshop gives you practical tools and experience to champion OER in the classroom with ease.

Wednesday December 1
4-5 PM
Finding Your Flow: Navigating Final Papers

Ready to write your final paper but not sure where to start? Gather what you’ve got so far (even if it’s just the assignment description), and join us for this workshop where we will offer plenty of tips and tricks to get you motivated and excited to find your flow for your final paper!

Posted: September 8, 2021, 2:13 PM