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VOTE FOR THE 2021-2022 GSA Executive Council by 5/21

Open to all current UMBC grad students!

VOTE FOR THE 2021-2022 Graduate Student Association EXECUTIVE COUNCIL!

Elections are underway for the next year's Graduate Student Association's Executive Council! 
Positions up for election include: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Historian, and the position of Chair for our four Standing Committees: Legislative Concerns, Graduate Assistant Advisory Council, GEARS, and the new Graduate Student Success Committee.  

----->>>>> CLICK HERE TO CAST YOUR VOTE!!! <<<<<<-----

The voting ballot is open to all current graduate students at UMBC
Please refer to the three links below to help you get to know the candidates and to inform your vote.

       - Candidate statements of interest
       - Recorded Video of Candidate Introductions and Q&A
       - Additional Q&A from the chat

Voting will remain open until Friday, May 21st at 11:59 PM. We encourage you to share this email and ballot widely among your networks.

Candidates will be notified of results on Monday, May 24th via UMBC email, and winners will be announced the same day on the UMBC GSA website and GSA Discord server

If you are also interested in serving on the Graduate Student Association next year, applications for GSA Senator positions are still open through May 15th. A monetary stipend is provided to those who serve.

Thank you for voting for your graduate student leadership representatives!

Contact Us

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The Commons, Suite 308
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, Maryland 21250

Posted: May 12, 2021, 12:32 PM