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Real People Profiles: Evan Tyler Ponter

I’m asking some of the people you might encounter on the UMBC campus, including students, faculty, staff and alumni, to answer a few questions about themselves and their experiences. These are their responses.

Name: Evan Tyler Ponter

Hometown: Born in Cookeville, TN but raised mostly in Pomfret, MD. 

Q: How long have you been at UMBC?

A: 3 full years, this semester is the start of my senior year.

Q: What is your current title (job or student organization position)?

A: President of the Student Events Board, aka (seb).

Q: In 12 words or less, what role(s) do you play on campus? 

A: I organize student leaders who execute phenomenal programs that enhance student life.

Q: What aspect of your UMBC role(s) do you enjoy most?

A:  I have found that this role allows for tremendous growth in how you handle people- from my fellow (seb)'ers, to my advisors in OSL, to other organizations on campus, to Commons staff (especially Ops), to the general student body. I used to be a shy kid. But being involved in a student organization beckons you to come out of your shell and make connections with the people around you. I have learned to manage the personalities of a group of students who are all trying to accomplish the same goal even though they may see different routes to get there. Channeling their energy into one strategic plan for the organization is definitely a challenge! But the success of achieving that goal pays for itself at the end of a program when you can hear students leaving and saying, "Wow, this was the best night I've had all semester!" Improving students' experience at UMBC is what (seb) strives for.

Working with professional staff in OSL is a blessing. They support me and my decisions fully and completely, yet they are not afraid to call me out when something is questionable. With their help, I always feel confident that I'm moving in the right direction. Other student organization leaders are also wonderful to have as part of my support system. These peers experience a lot of what I'm going through since we are all leading student organizations and trying to improve the experience students receive while attending UMBC. Commons Operations staff are angels- most (seb) programs would fail miserably without them. I am very grateful that they always pull through for us even when we change things up at the last minute. Interacting with the student body provides me a chance to work on my public speaking skills and get people excited before or during a program.

Q: What is the most important or memorable thing you learned in college/have learned at UMBC?

A:  Use the resources around you while you still can! College is the time to explore different opportunities and make things happen that you never had the chance to do before. UMBC is a safety net where you can pursue a genuine interest that you are passionate about without having to be held personally or financially responsible for its success. No idea is too big or too crazy to be explored. I've had the chance to create some amazing programs- from Guitar Hero and Rock Band tournaments where winners receive concert tickets, to a Fall Brawl: Battle of the Bands where 18 UMBC bands competed during a 7-hour, two stage spectacle in the Commons. Don't limit yourself. There are plenty of resources and interested people on campus to bring any vision you have to life. You just have to find the right resources and groups of people to make it happen.

Q: Complete this sentence: "I am a big fan of __________"

A:  Live Music. The entire experience is fascinating to me and always has so much potential. The bands, the crowds, the ever-evolving technology that goes into bringing a performance to life- it's something that can never be repeated. Each concert is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for everyone involved. I'm hoping to be part of the music business in a way that focuses on that experience and making it the best it can be. Bringing great bands to amazing spaces that are set up with the latest technology will attract a crowd that wants to experience that show. My Interdisciplinary Studies degree in Music Entrepreneurship is preparing me to create a business model centered around that idea.

Q: Do you have any UMBC stories, little-known facts about UMBC, favorite spots on campus, or anything else you’d like to share?

A: Ever seen those colorfully painted wooden sculptures in the Commons sporting (seb) posters? I had the idea to create them when I was a Programmer for (seb) last year and starting working on sketches and getting materials immediately. Now, all seven are complete and being used to promote (seb) programs. Just another example of using resources around you to create your vision, especially the 8-ft tall wooden-rendition of a rubber chicken! (for comedy events, get it? It's a joke in itself.) I wanted to give a shout-out to Jerome Graham and Bryan Wilkinson for helping me tremendously with those. The giant speech bubbles behind Donald Glover were also creations of mine, with help from Jason Palumbo and Joey McElroyAlso, a shout out to Jennifer Dress (a wonderful resource in OSL) and everyone involved in (seb).

BONUS VIDEO QUESTION: What else would you like to share? Ask yourself a question and answer it.

Posted: November 7, 2011, 3:52 PM