[Free]dom Fridays: The Brown Power Movement & Liberation
The Brown Power Movement & the Struggle for Immigrant rights
Date & Time
September 18, 2020, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
[Free]dom Fridays are designed to provide a virtual space to have an open dialogue about social justice and identity-based topics with other participants.
This session will examine the Brown Power movement led by Chicano activists in support of equity for Latine/x immigrant workers and their families. Discussion will include historical activism, as well as current issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
All undergrads, grads, staff, faculty, and alumni are encouraged to attend! For any questions, please email Carlos Turcios, Coordinator for Student Diversity and Inclusion at carlos6@umbc.edu or The Mosaic at mosaic@umbc.edu.
Join us: BlackBoard Collaborate Link. | Click "going" if you are planning to attend.