Returning Women Students End of Year +Graduation Celebration
Congratulations Returning Women Student Scholars!
The Commons : Women's Center
Date & Time
December 11, 2019, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Through the ups and downs, you’ve all finally made it! Let’s celebrate the end of another year/semester and congratulate our graduating Returning Women Student Scholars!
Graduating students participating in the Returning Women Students Scholars + Affiliates will receive their pins to wear at graduation. All other returning women students are invited to attend to celebrate your success in becoming one semester closer to graduation!
A light will be provided. Please RSVP if you plan on attending this event by clicking the "I Can Attend" button so we can make sure we have the right amount of food.
This event is designed specifically for returning women students (undergraduate students over the age of 25). For more information about our programming and support for women adult learners, visit our website.