Barriers to Justice: Gender-based violence & immigrant women
Learn about the Tahirih Justice Center
Public Policy : 204
Date & Time
November 28, 2018, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
This informative event will feature a conversation with the Executive Director of the Baltimore branch of Tahirih Justice Center, part of a national not-for-profit that provides legal aid to immigrant women and children fleeing gender-based violence. During the event, a brief educational video on gender-based violence will be shown and the organization’s executive director will discuss the barriers for immigrant women seeking safety and recovery here in America. The effects of contemporary changes in the laws affecting undocumented immigrants on Tahirih’s work will also be discussed. The event will end with a question and answer session.
The event is being hosted and sponsored by graduate students in the Applied Sociology program at UMBC. There will be light refreshments and a silent auction featuring handmade and artisan crafts, pottery, gift-cards, and other reduced-cost and holiday-gift-ready items! All proceeds from the silent auction will go to the Baltimore Tahirih Justice Center office to support the needs of our local community.
All UMBC community members and friends are welcome to attend!
For more information on the Tahirih Justice Center, check out this blog post written by Sociology graduate student, Emily Melluso:
To donate today to UMBC’s fundraising efforts for Tahirih, follow this link:
For more information or questions about the event, please contact Audrey Denakpo (, Emily Melluso ( or Geeta Shanbhag (