Teaching and Learning Seminar for Graduate Students @UMBC
For TAs & all students interested in teaching, now or future
Sherman Hall : 003
Date & Time
August 24, 2018, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Thank you for visiting this event's information page. We also ask that you CREATE a profile on The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Leadership (CIRTL) website: https://www.cirtl.net so that you can access materials that are part of the national center.
Please RSVP below by clicking on the "GOING" button.
All graduate students who are interested in teaching (during or after graduate school) and all new Teaching Assistants are encouraged to attend this orientation session. This session is part of the annual PROF-it (Professors-in-Training) suite of activities offered to graduate students. The session is co-hosted by CIRTL at UMBC.
Continental breakfast and lunch will be served.
Topics include:
- $2000 "Professors in Training" (PROF-it) Opportunities at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) - UMBC/CCBC Teaching Fellows Program
- Teaching Undergraduates Through the "Introduction to an Honors University (IHU)" Program
- The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Leadership (CIRTL) - UMBC's Role in the national center, and available resources
- "Teaching Disciplinary Thinking"
- Instructional Technologies (Including Blackboard, Bb screencasting, and Bb Collaborate for virtual office hours.)
- Conflict Resolution: What Every TA Needs to Know
- Assisting Students with Disabilities
- Counseling Center
- Panels of experienced TAs and instructors in Social Sciences and Humanities disciplines, and for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields.
8:30 AM: Registration and breakfast outside of SHER 003 (hallway inside the building)
9:00 AM: Instructional Technologies - Blackboard Online Technology for Teaching - Includes Bb screencasting, and Bb Collaborate for virtual office hours.
9:30 AM: PROF-iT (Professors-in-Training) Teaching Opportunities
- Teaching opportunities that exist with UMBC's first-year programs - C. Jill Randles, Assistant Vice President and Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Education
- Opportunities for enhanced training with Skillsoft - Jill Weinknecht Wardell
- Center for the Integration of Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) certifications - Dr. Tracy Irish, Clinical Assistant Professor, MAE, Science and STEM Education
Dr. Linda Hodges, Associate Vice Provost for for Faculty Affairs, and Director, Faculty Development Center
11:00 AM: Conflict Resolution
Bobbie L. Hoye, Title IX Coordinator, Associate General Counsel/Human Relations Officer, UMBC
11:15 AM: Assisting Students with Disabilities
Tawny McManus, Assistant Vice Provost for Accessibility, Student Disability Services Department
11:30 AM: Counseling Center
Dr. Thomas Penniston, Analytics Specialist, Instructional Technology, UMBC
11:45 AM: "Top TAs" Give Advice in Discipline-specific sessions
- The Graduate Assistant Advisory Committee
- Breakout Sessions (Discussions include: Leading a lab, grading, teaching class, time management, and more)
a) TAs in COEIT - SHER 006
- Md Shafiqul Islam (Computer Science and Electrical Engineering)
- Hedyeh Bagherzadeh Omandani (Computer Science and Electrical Engineering)
b) TAs in CAHSS - SHER 007
- Cassandra Simmons (Psychology)
- Brittany Gay (Psychology)
- Fariha Khalid (Sociology, Anthropology, and Health Administration and Policy)
c) TAs in CNMS - SHER 003
- Mallika Bhattacharya (Biological Sciences)
- Alexis Rubin (Biological Sciences)
After our session, we will offer "A Conversation on Work-Life Balance" as part of our Deluty Series on Holistic Graduate Student Development.
We are honored that Dr. Jeffrey Halverson, Associate Dean and Professor of Geography, Graduate School and Dr. Renetta G. Tull, Director, Graduate & Prof. Pipeline Development and Special Assistant to the Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will guide a conversation regarding better practices to promote work-life balance.
To register for the luncheon, please go to https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/promise/events/61463 and click on the "Going" button at the bottom.