Igniting Change as a Grad Activist
A UMBC graduate student panel about critical social justice
Information Technology/Engineering : ITE 456
Date & Time
October 25, 2018, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
A single light can’t illuminate a city or a nation, but it can ignite a movement that changes the world. This fall, Critical Social Justice: Ignite will explore how a burning commitment to create a better future can inspire activism among individuals and communities.This is the UMBC Women’s Center’s 6th Critical Social Justice (CSJ) initiative. CSJ has always been an opportunity to bring our campus community together to spark innovative ideas, inspire creative inquiry, and begin new collaborations. This year, in addition to exploring what unites us, we want to create space to look at what separates us and how we can bridge those expanses.This panel will focus on how graduate students connect their activist interests to the research they’re pursuing in their degree program.
Panelists include:
- Ciara Christian, Language, Literacy, and Culture
- Adam Harvey, Physics and GSA Vice President
- Ruken Isik, Language, Literacy, and Culture
- Aliya Webermann, Psychology
- Moderator: Dr. Christine Mallinson, Director of Center for Social Sciences Scholarship
You can learn more about Critical Social Justice: Ignite on our website.
Stay tuned for more updates by following our myUMBC group.
This event counts as 1 Critical Social Justice: Ignite event for the Women's Center Scouts group. Want to learn more about joining? Click here.