UPDATE - $100,000 STEM Seminar: Applying for the NSF GRFP
PART 2 Funding Your Graduate Education - Sept. 15, 2018
Sherman Hall : 003
Date & Time
September 15, 2018, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
UPDATE September 13, 2018:
Due to inclement weather approaching our region we will move our seminar to a webinar format. This session is still virtually on! Instructions to participate and have an enjoyable webinar experience on Sat. 9/15:
- The website will open 15 minutes before our scheduled start time.
- Click on the following website (Bb Collaborate Ultra):
NSF GRFP - Funding Seminar
- Log in using your name (this will be displayed for others in the session).
- Please mute your microphone. Please make sure you are not sharing video.
- Any questions that you wish to ask our presenters will be addressed through the chat. You can see the chat and other options by expanding the pink arrows on the bottom right corner of your screen. Anything you post here will be seen by others, please be professional.
- Thank you for participating and looking forward to seeing you there.
- Lastly, our speakers will engage in providing feedback via email for those participants working on their applications.
The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) has been in existence for many years. The fellowships are available to students in STEM and STEM education, and come with a 3 year stipend and other benefits.
Each NSF GRFP Fellowship is worth more than $100,000. Our speakers, UMBC alums who have been winners themselves, have helped to produce several winners. You can be one of them!
The session is open to all undergraduate students, and first and second-year graduate students.
The session will be divided into two days, the PART 1 will be hosted on August 18, 2018, at 12:10 PM. For more information please visit:
This is the Part 2 session which is divided into two mini-workshops.
(Coming to Part 1 is NOT a pre-requisite for Part 2. You can come on Saturday, Sept. 15, even if you missed the session in August.)
Mini Workshop 1:
Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018
"Funding Your Graduate Education" seminar
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This seminar includes general information about funding for graduate school and a variety of fellowships will be shared. Most of the content will focus on US funding for students in STEM fields. Since most of the fellowships are from the government, they might be limited to US citizens.
—————————- ARCHIVED ————————
The information below remains posted as a reference, and will be part of the archive. The seminar will be held ONLINE only, on Sat. 9/15, from 10 AM - 12 noon. The in-person workshop has been cancelled due to weather.
Mini Workshop 2:
Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018
"NSF Fastlane session"
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
The coaches will guide the students in the application for the GRFP funding (how to access the application website and create an account, giving feedback about application essays, etc.), for this part of the workshop, it's required to bring your laptop and charger.
Lunch is reserved for attendees who stay and work on their application with the coaches
List of fields who can apply for the GRFP:
About our Speakers:
Dr. Frances Carter-Johnson, Data Scientist, National Science Foundation
Dr. Patricia Ordoñez, Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras