What’s the (T)ea?: “Taxation Without Representation”
For the Folks Who Can’t Vote
The Commons : 329
Date & Time
April 5, 2018, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
"What's the T?" a phrase originating from Black Gay Ball Culture, circa 1970-1989, that indicated someone was the "T"alk of the "T"own, hence the "T". "What's the T? - means "What's up? What's going on?" This is a monthly co-facilitated discussion series geared to exploring social issues affecting our society and various communities. This session will elaborate on how voting laws have historically affected various marginalized communities and explore what voting rights mean for people today. This session will specifically focus on the limitations of noncitizens, folks under the voting age, and residents of D.C. and U.S. territories. For more contact carlos6@umbc.edu