Overdose Response Training
Become certified to administer Naloxone (RSVP BY MARCH 31)
On Campus : The Women's Center
Date & Time
April 4, 2017, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Join Baltimore City Health Department and the Women's Center for an Overdose Response training.
Opioid overdose is a major health crisis in the United States, and especially in Baltimore. When administered properly, Naloxone can reverse the effects of opioid overdose and save a life. This essential component to bystander intervention is a must if you know someone who uses opiates or have interests in public health.
The training will open with a short discussion about addiction and how drug and alcohol abuse disproportionately affects marginalized communities.
Attendees will become certified to administer Naloxone and receive a kit for your car, bag, or home.
ATTENDEES MUST RSVP VIA MYUMBC (click the "I Can Attend" button) BY FRIDAY, MARCH 31
Please email womens.center@umbc.edu or call 410-455-2714 for more information (do not email to RSVP - click the "I Can Attend" button below).
This event is co-sponsored by UHS.