USM 2016 Dissertation House at SSI
Off Campus : The Hotel at Arundel Preserve
Date & Time
August 18, 2016, 5:00 pm – 12:00 am
University System of Maryland (USM) Dissertation House at the PROMISE Summer Success Institute – August 18-19, 2016
UMBC and PROMISE Maryland’s AGEP are sponsoring a system-wide Dissertation House for graduate students in STEM programs. The writing and research retreat will take place at the Hotel at Arundel Preserve. Lodging for 3 nights and meals are provided for student participants. Twelve students from the USM system schools will be chosen to participate in this research and writing retreat.
2016 PROMISE SSI Dissertation House Schedule:
- Thursday 8/18, 3:00 PM Hotel Check-in
- Thursday 8/18, 5:00 PM Dissertation House Opening Session, Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale (Dissertation Coach)
- Thursday 8/18, 6 PM – 7 PM: Dinner Meeting
- Thursday 8/18, 7 PM – 11 PM: Work Session #1
- Friday 8/19, 7 AM – 9 AM: Working Breakfast
- Friday 8/19, 9 AM – 9:15 AM: Welcome
- Friday 8/19, 9:15 AM – 10 AM: Mini Lecture – Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale
- Friday 8/19, 10 AM – 11 AM: “Writing Lab” Seminar with Jocelyn Broadwick of the UMB Writing Center
- Friday 8/19, 11 AM – 1PM: Work Session #2
- Friday 8/19, 1 PM – 2PM: Working Lunch
- Friday 8/19, 2 PM – 6 PM Work Session #3
- Friday 8/19, 6 PM – 7 PM Dinner Meeting
- Friday 8/19, 7 PM -12 midnight Work Session #4
- Saturday 8/20, 8 AM – 3 PM: PROMISE Summer Success Institute Program, includes #ThinkBigDiversity #PathwaysToThePrize breakout session for “Continuing Students.”
- Saturday 8/20 - 4 PM Career-Life Balance
- Sunday 8/21, 9AM Breakfast/Coffee session with Dr. Tull, Bagels 'n' Grinds Cafe.
Eligibility for the SSI Dissertation House:
1) Enrolled in a STEM graduate program (based on the NSF-supported fields per the NSFGRFP) at one of the schools within the University System of Maryland
2) Underrepresented according to the NSF Definition for AGEP, U.S. Citizen
Per AGEP is committed to the national goal of increasing the numbers of underrepresented minorities (URMs), including those with disabilities, entering and completing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate education and postdoctoral training to levels representative of the available pool. URMs include African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
This event is part of the 2016 PROMISE Summer Success Institute. Following the Dissertation House (DH) sessions on Thursday and Friday, all DH participants will be required to continue participation in the PROMISE SSI on Saturday, August 20, 2016 at The Hotel at Arundel Preserve.
All 12 participants will check in on Thursday, and check out on Saturday.
TO APPLY: Follow the instructions outlined on the application page:
DEADLINE: Friday, July 24, 2016
We welcome applicants from around the state to the USM 2016 PROMISE Dissertation House. As part of the PROMISE SSI Dissertation House structure, complimentary hotel lodging will be provided for DH participants. Students from western Maryland and the Eastern Shore, e.g., Frostburg University, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and Salisbury University, are particularly encouraged to participate.
Dissertation Coach: Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale