Public Speaking Seminar: "Preparing a TED Talk"
Engage audiences immediately, present data effectively
The Commons : 329
Date & Time
February 6, 2016, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join us for a special seminar on public speaking:
"Preparing a TED-styled Talk"
Guest Speaker: Scott Morgan
Saturday February 6th, 2016
10 AM - 12 PM
Commons 329
The topics covered will include the interests of participants from all disciplines, and all of UMBC's colleges: Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences (CAHSS); Natural and Mathematical Sciences (CNMS); and Engineering & IT (COEIT). Please RSVP to the event by logging in through your UMBC account, and clicking the green "I can attend" button that will appear below.
This seminar will provide some preparation for UMBC's Graduate Research
Conference (GRC). All graduate students are strongly encouraged to
participate in the conference.
Conference (GRC). All graduate students are strongly encouraged to
participate in the conference.
Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and staff are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served.
Scott Morgan and others from "The Morgan Group" have been training UMBC's graduate students for many years.
- Website:
- Author of "Speaking About Science"

Scott Morgan has been teaching communication skills for 20 years. His clients include the National Institutes of Health, the Mayo Clinic, Merck, NASA, EPA, City of Hope Cancer Center, and several universities: Harvard Medical School, UNC Chapel Hill, Cornell, Maryland, Ohio State, Minnesota, Duke, Nebraska and NC State University, and Texas A&M. He has 25 years of broadcast experience and teaches media and communication strategy to many think tanks in the Washington DC area. Specifically, as a Senior Associate with the Abshire Inamori Leadership Academy of the Center for Strategic and International Studies ( Scott graduated with honors from the University of California, Davis and authored the book Speaking about Science published by Cambridge University Press.
For more about Scott Morgan, click here.