GRAD STUDENT DINNER: Career Paths for Graduate Students
A round table dinner seminar and "mini" job fair
On Campus : Library 7th Floor
Date & Time
April 8, 2015, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Participate in UMBC's annual campus-wide CAREER WEEK!
This seminar places specific focus on jobs for graduate students receiving master's and doctoral degrees from all disciplines.
Career Paths for Graduate Students
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
4:30 – 6:00 PM
UMBC Campus - Library 7th Floor
Dinner will be served.
Round table discussions with employers who hire candidates with advanced degrees.
Diane Crump-Fogle, Associate Director of Career Programming and Events, UMBC Career Services Center
During this "speed networking" event, students will share dinner with representatives from several organizations and learn about expectations for positions that require advanced degrees, application processes, and job opportunities. Many of the representatives are UMBC alumni or part of organizations that have UMBC alumni among their current employees.
- 4:20 Arrive, get food and choose an initial table.
- 4:30 Welcome: Renetta Tull, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development & Postdoctoral Affairs
- 4:31 Opening Comments: K. Jill Barr, J.D., Sr. Assistant Dean for Graduate Enrollment
- 4:36 Introduction of Employers: Diane Crump-Fogle
- 4:40 Remain seated at the initial tonnect with employers, Round 1 - Moderator, Diane Crump-Fogle
- 5:00 Rotate and connect with employers, Round 2.
- 5:30 Rotate and connect with employers, Round 3.
- 6:00 End formal program, begin informal discussions. Students are invited to connect with any employer who remains for one-on-one or small group discussions.
- 6:30 End informal discussions.
All of the organizations who are participating have job openings in a variety of fields, for graduate students in each of our three colleges, spanning Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and all STEM fields.
Co-Sponsored by:
- UMBC’s Career Development Center
- PROMISE: Maryland's AGEP
Please stay tuned to this website for a list of participating organizations. They will be posted in the section below.
Additional resources and consultation are available for graduate students through the Career Services Center's webpage for masters and doctoral students:
Job search information:
PROMISE Career Partners website:
All graduate students are invited to this event. Please RSVP by clicking the "I can attend" button below so that our office can order enough food.
This event is part of UMBC's project to increase job opportunities for graduate students, per the Council of Graduate Schools' Commission on Pathways Through Graduate School and into Careers.
Update: 4/4/15
Confirmed organizations to date:
- National Security Agency
- The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratories
- District of Columbia Public Schools
- Aflac
- SABREE, Inc.
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- Senaissance software
- The Hilltop Institute
- Creative Staffing International
- Social Security Administration
- City of Baltimore - Bureau of Budget and Management Research (BBMR)
- Basis, Inc.
- US Secret Service
- Northrop Grumman
- National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)