Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence Workshop
A Workshop for Shady Grove Campus Students
Off Campus : Shady Grove, III3241
Date & Time
March 23, 2015, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
“Survival is testament to someone’s strength. Healing is testament to the community surrounding her.” –Lisa Factora-Borchers
This workshop will provide learning space for Shady Grove students to become familiar with the scope of the problem of sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence, challenges related to healing for survivors, and tools for personal self-care. The majority of the workshop will focus on best practices for responding sensitively and effectively to survivors who are experiencing an immediate crisis or ongoing trauma. Special attention will be paid to best practices that can be used by students majoring in and pursing careers in the helping-professions such as social work and counseling.
This is a special workshop presentation designed for students at UMBC's Shady Grove Campus. The workshop will be held in Building III-3241.
Presenters: Women's Center at UMBC staff members, Jess Myers and Megan Tagle Adams
Questions? Contact: Jess Myers, or x5-2714