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PROF-it: Professors in Training seminar

Teaching at a Community College Part II: CCBC


On Campus : COMM 329

Date & Time

November 7, 2014, 12:00 pm2:00 pm


Explore a unique opportunity to teach at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)

Postdocs and graduate students are invited to this interactive seminar, where Dr. Rebekah de Wit (CCBC, Interim Director for Global Education and ESOL Coordinator)  will discuss the CCBC Teaching Fellows program. Dr. de Wit, who has served as a mentor to current and previous UMBC-CCBC fellows, and current ESOL fellow, Anna Smoot, will help participants prepare to teach students with diverse backgrounds and experiences in general, and to develop a competitive edge for the teaching fellowship specifically.

Update: We will discuss several teaching challenges at this session. Some are issues that all instructors face, and others are more specific to teaching at a community college. As you prepare, consider how you would address the following challenge: Several students in your class are performing very well, with “A” averages, while several other students are failing and struggling to keep up. How do you cope with these disparate abilities in a single class? 

This is a brown bag seminar. Please bring your lunch with you.

Students who are interested in being nominated for the UMBC/AACC/CCBC
$2000 Teaching Fellows program should be participating in the 
community group dialogues for PROF-it. If you are not on the list,
please speak to Dr. Alexis Williams at Friday's seminar. 

You may attend the seminar regardless of your interest in the CCBC/AACC
program. You do not have to be a TA to attend.