Annual USM PROMISE Research Symposium

Present your Research at a System wide STEM event for URMs


Off Campus

Date & Time

February 16, 2018, 8:00 am4:00 pm


Annual USM PROMISE AGEP Research Symposium and Professional Development Conference

FEBRUARY 16, 2018 - 8:00AM TO 4:00PM

Location: Colony Ballroom, Stamp

Call for Presentations

If you are interested in presenting, please follow the schedule below:

December 1, 2017: “Letter of Intent” to present. This very short email should include  name, school, department, choice of oral category (1, 2, 3) or poster, and potential title of your presentation. Email to with the title, “2018 PROMISE Research Symposium – Intent to Present.”

“TED-Styled” and “Lightning Round” titles must be tailored to appeal to a general audience.

December 31, 2017: Abstracts and the information below are required for all presentations types. Email all materials from all four categories below to, with the subject: “2018 PROMISE Research Symposium Presenter Information.”

  1. Formal Abstract (250 words or less). Biographical Sketch (250 words or less)
    • Font: 12 Point, Times New Roman
    • Heading, Left-justified:
      • Title (Bold)
      • Name (Italicized)
      • Department (No abbreviations)
      • University (No abbreviations)
  2. General Summary of Graduate Research (250 words or less)
  3. High Quality Photograph
  4. Numbered List of up to 5 publications and or/presentations. Please give precedence to publications and conference proceedings as applicable.

Types of Presentations

This conference will feature STEM-based oral presentations, posters, and professional development seminars. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to participate in three oral categories, and one poster category.

Oral Category 1: Traditional Research Presentations

[7 minutes presentation, 3 minutes critique, 2 minutes of questions, traditional PowerPoint presentation]

Oral Category 2: TED-Styled Talks

[5 minute talks + 5 minutes for critique/questions, PowerPoint presentation with images only – no text]

Oral Category 3: Lightning Round Talks

[2 minute talks with timer on the screen, no PowerPoints, no critique.]

Please contact Yarazeth Medina ( for additional information about this event.